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Poly 1 Yr Managed Services - Remote Monitoring and Management with Custom scopeREQUIRES SOW or COOn-going services for supporting Managed Services in an on-prem model at a custo...

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Informazioni sul prodotto

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Termini di ricerca:
Poly 1 Yr Managed Services - Remote Monitoring and Management with Custom scopeREQUIRES SOW or COOn-going services for supporting Managed Services in an on-prem model at a customer's location
Riepilogo condizioni1
Tempi di consegna
Stato magazzino
In magazzino In magazzino
€ 8.978.259,59*
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* I prezzi contrassegnati con l'asterisco sono netti, IVA esclusa.
La nostra offerta è rivolta esclusivamente alle aziende, ai commercianti e ai liberi professionisti. Mercateo Italia s.r.l. - C.F. e P.IVA 02885620217